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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

контрольная: Task I. Read the text "US CONSTITUTION". Translate the paragraphs 1, 2 in writing. US CONSTITUTION The form of the U S government is based on the Constitu¬tion of 1787, adopted after the War of Independence. A «constitution» in American political language means the set of rules, laws, regulations and customs which together provide the political norms or standards regulating the work of the govern¬ment. The document known as the Constitution of the United States, though a basic document, is only a part of the body of rules and customs which form the whole of the Amer


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Цена: 200 р.

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Вариант 2

Task I. Read the text  "US CONSTITUTION". Translate the paragraphs     1, 2 in  writing.


The form of the U S government is based on the Constitu­tion of 1787, adopted after the War of Independence. A «constitution» in American political language means the set of rules, laws, regulations and customs which together provide the political norms or standards regulating the work of the govern­ment. The document known as the Constitution of the United States, though a basic document, is only a part of the body of rules and customs which form the whole of the American Constitution. Supreme Court decisions, interpreting parts of the US Constitution, laws, regulations, customs are part of the basic law (the so-calledlive constitution). Most historians regard the US Constitution as an essentially conservative document.

The US Constitution consists of the Preamble, seven arti­cles and twenty six amendments, the first ten of them called collectively the Bill of Rights and adopted under the popular pressure in 1791. When the Constitution was first proposed in

1787, there was widespread dissatisfaction because it didn't contain guarantees of certain basic freedoms and individual rights. The Constitution consolidated those gains of the revolu­tion that were advantageous for the capitalist class. Significantly, nothing was said about the elementary bourgeois-democratic freedoms. In December. 1791. the Congress adopted ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights. The Bill enumerated what the government controlled by the oli­garchy was not going to heallowed to do. It was, of course, an important democratic gain for the people at that lime. But nowadays some of these ten amendments are relatively unim­portant.

The Bill of Rights is sometimes violated by the judicial and law enforcement practice.

Americans feel that of all the freedoms proclaimed in the Constitution only one freedom — freedom of enterprise is in fact guaranteed.

If there is no freedom to work, no guaranteed labour, you face unemployment and poverty. The main freedoms after all a man needs are a life of security, a guaranteed income and guar­anteed health care.


Task II. Find English equivalents in the  text:

Свод законов, правил, постановлений и обычаев; считать конституцию США, по существу, консервативным доку­ментом; документ, принятый в 1787 году и дополненный поправками; принять конституцию (закон); широко рас­пространенное недовольство; элементарные буржуазно-демократические свободы; нарушать Билль о правах; сво­бода предпринимательства; сталкиваться с безработицей и бедностью; гарантированный заработок: гарантированная охрана здоровья.


Task III.  Give Russian equivalents:

government, decision, amendments, adopt, law, enumerate, violate, judicial, law enforcement, unemployment, significantly, the Bill of Rights, proclaim, a set of rules, regulate, customs,to face unemployment and poverty, labour and health care, to be aimed at preserving the advantageous position, to contain guarantees of certain basic freedoms, regulations and customs,  ten amendments, to violate the Bill of Right, guaranteed income.


IV.  Give your definition of the following:

A  judge is a person  who …

An investigator is a person  who …

A lawyer is a person  who …

A defender is a person  who …

A prosecutor is a person  who …


Task V.  Find in the text above a) Participle I b) Participle I,

c) Gerund, d) Infinitive. Underline and mark them.


Task VI. Use Infinitives or Gerund:

1. Arrest is made as a result of (to observe, observing) a law violation.

2. After (to hear, hearing) the evidence the magistrate may find no basis for the charges and dismiss them or present the case to the trial court.

  1. Mobility has given people the opportunity (to commit, com­mitting) crimes far away from home.
  2.  The court ruled that an officer may lawfully search a person in the course of (to make, making) an arrest.
  3. According to law, the police must bring a suspect before a mag­istrate within the period of time between 48 and 72 hours, during which time the interrogation takes place mostly with the aim (to obtain, obtaining) confession.
  4. Although a person under arrest has a right (to refuse, refusing) to  answer questions, the arresting officer may lawfully search the person arrested and find some incriminating evidence.
  5. Since objects seized in the course of an illegal search are inad­missible as evidence in courts, the importance of strict obser­vance by the arresting officer of the limitations on his power (to arrest, arresting) without warrant is obvious.



  1. To know everything is to know nothing.
  2. The problem to be solved is of great international importance.
  3. In order to begin prosecution it is necessary to have evidence establishing the fact of committing a crime.
  4. The criminal waited for the judge to commit a sentence.
  5. The juvenile is  reported to have committed a crime.
  6. While making the report the speaker told us some interesting facts.
  7. Having examined the causes of the crime the court sentenced the criminal to imprisonment.
  8. Having been investigated the  case was committed to the court.
  9. The hearing of the case being over? The judge closed the trial.
  10. The student knowing English well, the examination did not last long.



Task VIII. Fill in a proper modal verb:

1. --… I take the document?

     ---No, you …

2. --… you work as a detective?

     ---Not yet.

  1.  The trial … to be open at 10 o'clock.
  2.   She believes that the  judge … discharge him.
  3.   You … tell him that we need his assistance.
  4.  The investigator was very tired and he … to stop the cross-examination.
  5. The witness … answer the barrister's questions during the cross examination.
  6.  He… to explain all the difficulties in the case to the accused.


Task IX. Read the text and do the following tasks:

  1.  Give a title to the text.
  2. Divide the text into logical parts and give titles to them.
  3. Think of 1-2 questions on each part of the text.
  4. Give the content of the text in English in a summary form.

Great Britain is a monarchy, but the Queen of Great Brit­ain is not absolute, but constitutional. Her powers are limited by Parliament. But the power is hereditary, and not elective.

The power of the monopolists over the Parliamentary gov­ernment in Britain is achieved in three main ways:  by direct representation in Parliament by businessmen and by politicians supporting businessmen; by direct influence over the Cabinet, the supreme organ of the British Government which controls Parliament; and  by initiation, control and amendment of legislation in which they are interested.

The bodies of government in the United Kingdom are: those of the legislature, which consists of the Queen in Parlia­ment and is the supreme authority of the country; those of the executive and those of the judiciary.

The executive bodies consist of  the Cabinet and other ministers of the Crown who are responsible for directing na­tional policy;  government departments, who are responsible for administration at the national level;  local authorities who administer and control many services at the local level; and  statutory boards, who are responsible for the operation of par­ticular nationalized industries or public services. The highest judicial body in the English judicial system is the House of Lords.

The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party that has a majority in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister usually takes policy decisions with the agreement of his Cabinet (a committee of leading Ministers). Each new Prime Minister may make changes in the size of his Cabinet and may create new ministries or make other changes. The Prime Minister holds Cabinet meetings at his (her) house at number 10 Down­ing Street, which is very near the Houses of Parliament in Westminster.

Цена: 200 р.

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