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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

Контрольная работа. Употребление сравнительных степеней прилагательных; употребление причастий и форм прошедшего времени глаголов, перевод.


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* Готовая работа (дипломная, контрольная, курсовая, реферат, отчет по практике) – это выполненная ранее на заказ для другого студента и успешно защищенная работа. Как правило, в нее внесены все необходимые коррективы.
* В разделе "Готовые Работы" размещены только работы, сделанные нашими Авторами.
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Цена: 270 р.


I. Переведите предложения, выпишите прилагательное или наречие, определите степень сравнения.
1. However, the problem still remains difficult They did the work not so accurately as we did
2. I bought the latest edition of today’s paper and read about these most terrible    crimes.
3. The sooner you do it, the sooner you will go.
4. The causes of events are more interesting than the events themselves.
5. This article is directly related to the information we are looking for.
II. Переведите письменно предложения, обращая внимание на употребление времен группы Perfect

1. The investigator has collected evidence on the case.
2. The United Nations Organization has been called upon to play an important role in the affairs of mankind. It has become the forum of the world for the discussion of issues of great concern for all nations.
3. He became a good investigator after many serious crimes had been examined by him
4. The High Court has dismissed the prisoner’s appeal
5. They haven’t detected a criminal yet
6. The investigator has already interviewed the witnesses of the crime.
III. Переведите письменно предложения, укажите видо-временную форму страдательного залога.
1.    A lot of young lawyers are trained at our Academy every year
2.    That criminal case was decided according to the law of the state.
3.    We understood that he was being watched
4.    The verdict is passed by the jury and the sentence is passed by the judge. –
5.    The arrested person will be kept in prison
6.    This suspect has already been interrogated.
7.    The crime, committed yesterday, is being reported about in all newspapers.

IV. Перепишите следующие предложения, выберите правильный вариант. Переведите предложения письменно.

1. The Lord Chancellor (appoints, is appointed) Justices of the Peace
2. This case (will consider/ will be considered) next week.
3. Many organizations … (have been started / have started) the campaigns against smoking.
4. This case (will try/ will be tried) by 2 magistrates
5. A serious crime (committed/ was committed) last week in the town
6. Public … (has supported / has been supported) the program of crime prevention.
7. The sentence … (has been limited / has limited) to imposing a fine of 3,000 pounds
8. Crimes committed by the juveniles (try/ are tried) in juvenile courts.
V. Переведите предложения письменно, обращая внимание на Participle I.

1. Being accused of the crime of murder he denied it.
2. The train arriving at the station was late.
3. The speech being prepared by the Counsel for the Defence is very long.
4. The accused was led out of the court being firmly maintained by a policeman. 5. Being cross-examined the witness answered all the questions
6. The hostages being saved were frightened very much
7. The project being realized was proposed by a group of judges.
VI.  Переведите предложения письменно, обращая внимание на Participle II.

1. The information provided by him is very reliable.
2. When asked about his parents the boy wouldn’t answer
3. They reached the scene of crime deserted by the criminals.
4. The wounded man bound his cut with a piece of cloth.
5. The data saved in the police data base are very important for the detective.
6. When initially detained, he was released on bail.

VII. Прочитайте текст. Письменно переведите 1 и 2 абзацы.
Crime Scene Procedure
          When a crime is initially discovered, a call goes out to authorities - generally via 911.  A dispatcher notifies patrol units close by.  Uniformed police arrive and decide whether they need other personnel (homicide or arson unit, for example).  They note the time and write down any other pertinent observations, but refrain from touching or moving anything.  If the perpetrator is present, the officer makes an arrest.  Otherwise, the officer secures and controls the scene.
          Sometimes it's difficult to determine the extent of the scene.  It might be a single room in a building, but it could just as easily be outside.  In the case of a murder, the crime scene could extend to other rooms where the killer left traces of his or her presence, out into a hallway, and even into a neighborhood.  If someone was killed or raped in one place and then transported elsewhere, the crime scene extends to the vehicle of transport and to the other location.  However, the most pertinent evidence is likely to be close to the point where the crime took place.
           In major crimes like a bombing or a homicide, detectives are called in.  Their job is to take over the investigation to determine:
1.    Who did it?
2.    What happened?
3.    When did it happen?
4.    How did it happen?
5.    Did it happen here or was another crime scene involved?
6.    Who is the victim?
7.    Why was this crime committed?
8.    What evidence is there to help prove the motive and the crime? 
        Witnesses are detained and interviewed.  Some are transported to headquarters to make formal written statements.  The detectives then prepare to obtain whatever search warrants they may need.
        If there's a body, the coroner/medical examiner checks it to be sure it's human (some are in bad condition), and decides whether there is reason for an autopsy.
While that's going on, the criminalists—also called crime scene, evidence or identification technicians---are hard at work searching for evidence and collecting whatever they find.

Цена: 270 р.

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