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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

Контрольная работа. Грамматические задания: времена глаголов, употребление местоимений, степени сравнения прилагательных. Перевод текста.


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* Готовая работа (дипломная, контрольная, курсовая, реферат, отчет по практике) – это выполненная ранее на заказ для другого студента и успешно защищенная работа. Как правило, в нее внесены все необходимые коррективы.
* В разделе "Готовые Работы" размещены только работы, сделанные нашими Авторами.
* Всем нашим Клиентам работы выдаются в электронном варианте.
* Работы, купленные в этом разделе, не дорабатываются и деньги за них не возвращаются.
* Работа продается целиком; отдельные задачи или главы из работы не вычленяются.

Цена: 170 р.


1. Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы to be, to have в нужную форму. Переведите предложения.

2.  Напишите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях сравнения.

Cold, nice, bad, short, well, busy, pleasant, long, easy, hot, low, many, far, clearly, comfortable

3. Вставьте some / any / something / anything в предложения и переведите.

4. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную временную форму активного или пассивного залогов. Запишите время.

 5. Переведите предложения.

1. Менеджер туризма принимает решения о турах, ценах, скидках.

2. Мои друзья планируют работать в туристском бизнесе. А у тебя какие планы? — Я планирую стать экскурсоводом.

3. Чем в данный момент занимается ваш менеджер? — Он беседует с поставщиками.

4. Наши партнеры  часто летают в Москву.

5. Аниматоры вовлекают гостей в действие. Они очень артистичны.

  1. Мой друг работает в туристской компании  аниматором.
  2. Раньше эта туристская компания занималась деловым туризмом.

8. Туристы не ожидали, что экскурсовод придет так рано.

9. Ты когда-нибудь была в Италии?

10. Мы только что поужинали в ресторане.

6.Прочитайте и переведите тексты.



A number of years ago I was working in a retail travel agency, where one of the employees, a young woman of sixteen, was coming to the end of her first week at work. She was well dressed and well groomed, made good eye contact with those who entered the agency and looked in every way a pleasant trainee travel agent.

At this time, she was not expected to sell travel products, but had been instructed to carry out a few simple administration tasks and to sit with the assistant manager to observe how the customers were dealt with, and how the paper work was processed. At this early stage in her career she was not expected to deal with a customer herself.

On one particular afternoon, a regular customer came in to pay a balance. He was a valued customer who would book several fairly expensive tours in the course of a year. He was a very pleasant man who was quite friendly, but who liked to feel special, in that he was always treated well and received the best service from staff. He talked with the assistant manager for some time, and then asked a few questions of the new travel assistant — how she liked the job and how she was getting on. He then turned his attention back to the assistant manager and started to write a cheque for his holiday balance. “What is the date today?” he asked. “It’s the thirteenth,” replied the assistant manager. “Oh, Friday the thirteenth,” he said. “Unlucky for some!” ”Yes,” said the new trainee. “You never know, your cheque might bounce!”


When I first started in the travel industry, I worked in a small retail agency which was owned by a very pleasant and knowledgeable man who was liked and respected by all of his customers. One day I was listening to him dealing with some customers who wanted flight seats to Malaga at very short notice, and I learned a valuable lesson which has held me in good stead in my dealing with customers. The incident occurred in the days before travel had become fully computerized and so my boss found himself telephoning a number of companies to check availability for the customer, and this was taking some time. While he was waiting to get through to operators, he struck up a conversation with the customers which eventually led to their asking his opinion on the merit of the huge choice of charter airlines operating on that route. This happened to be a pet subject of his, and he went into graphic detail about the merits and pitfalls of each carrier. Finally, he said, “The worst flight I ever had was with B…B airlines. The staff were rude, the food was awful and they even ran out of duty-frees.”

The customer thanked him for his advice and then attention was switched back to the call that was being answered by the tour operator. Up to now, no availability had been found, but on this occasion a flight with suitable timings was available. The customer was quite satisfied with the price and decided to book straightaway. As my boss and the tour operator began to process the booking, the customer said “Oh, by the way, which airline are we flying with?”

My boss asked the operator, looked very sheepish, then looked up at the customer and quietly said, “Uhh… it’s B…B Airlines”

Цена: 170 р.

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