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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

Вариант 2 1. Answer the questions about the British police (10 баллов) 1. In what situations can the policemen carry weapons? 2. How many areas is Great Britain divided into? 3. Who works in the CID? 4. What is the job of traffic warders? 5. What are the duties of the police? 2. Finish the following sentences, using tail questions (10 баллов) 1. In most countries policemen carry guns, ____ ? 2. In Britain policemen do not carry guns in their day-to-day work, ___ ? 3. British policemen have ranks like in the army, ____ ? 4. Women make up about 10 per cent of the police force, _


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Цена: 250 р.


Вариант 2


1. Answer the questions about the British police (10 баллов)


1.     In what situations can the policemen carry weapons?

2.     How many areas is Great Britain divided into?

3.     Who works in the CID?

4.     What is the job of traffic warders?

5.      What are the duties of the police?


            2. Finish the following sentences, using tail questions (10 баллов)


1.     In most countries policemen carry guns, ____ ?

2.     In Britain policemen do not carry guns in their day-to-day work, ___ ?

3.     British policemen have ranks like in the army, ____ ?

4.     Women make up about 10 per cent of the police force, __?

5.     Detectives do not wear uniforms, ____ ?


3. Match the words with their definitions (12 баллов)


 1)  to catch (a criminal)

 2) a person who violated law

 3) a person who saw a crime

 4) a place where legal decisions are taken

 5) a place where criminals are kept

 6) a person who passes sentences


a)                    a criminal (offender)

b)                    to arrest

c)                     the court

d)                    a judge

e)                     a witness

f)                      a prison


4. Use the words from the box in the text below (12 баллов)


      arrest     suspects  powers    search    crime       custody


1.                 The police have a lot of ______.   2. Policemen can stop and _____ cars, if they suspect that there may be weapons or stolen things in the car.  3. Policemen can ______ people and take them to the police station, where the 4. _________ can be interrogated. 5. The suspects can be kept in  ________ not longer than 24 hours.  6. If the _______ is serious, the suspect can be kept in the police station for 96 hours.   


5. Turn active sentences into passive (10 баллов)


       1. The police arrested the criminal yesterday.

 2. The judge will pass the sentence.

 3. The investigator will interrogate the witnesses.

 4. They keep criminals in prison.

       5. The lawyer has already collected all the evidence.


6. Use the verbs in the brackets in the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous (10 баллов)


1. John told me that they (wait) for the criminal near the house for two days.

2. I did not know that the police already (arrest) the suspect.

3. I just wanted to know if you (obtain) any useful information.

4. When I offered him money, he said that he already (receive) his payment.

5. The judge explained what crime the accused (committed).


7. Turn the sentences from direct into reported speech. (16 баллов)


1. Bob and Mary said: “We are discussing the trial.”

2. Andrew said: “My client is coming to discuss the details”.

3. Mr. Jones said: “I need to meet the policeman who arrested the thief.”

4.  ‘When will you call me?’ she asked George.

5. She asked, ‘Can you invite the witness?’

6. He asked, ‘Did you see it?’

7. ‘Do you study civil law?’ she asked John.

8. ‘What has this man done?’ the officer asked.


8. Read the text below and write which statements are true and which are false. (20 баллов)


Crime is a violation of a law.  Courts decide both criminal and civil cases. Most countries make a clear distinction between civil and criminal procedures.   Criminal and civil procedures are different.  The party bringing a criminal action is called the prosecution. The party bringing a civil case is called the plaintiff. In both kinds of cases the other party is called the defendant.  

Civil cases are usually disputes between or among private citizens, corporations, governments, government agencies, and other organizations. Most often, the party bringing the suit is asking for money damages. For example, a landlord may sue a tenant for failure to pay rent. People who have been injured may sue a person or a company responsible for the injury. It is up to the plaintiff to prove the case against the defendant. This is called the plaintiff’s burden of proof.

A criminal case is brought by the state or by a city or county against a person or persons accused of committing a crime. If the defendant has pleaded not guilty, you should presume the defendant’s innocence unless the defendant’s guilt is proved.


1)    Courts decide only criminal cases.

2)    Most countries do not make a distinction between criminal and civil cases.

3)    Criminal and civil procedures are similar.

4)    Crime is a violation of law.

5)    The party bringing a criminal action is called the prosecution.

6)    In civil cases the plaintiff usually asks for money damages.

7)    The plaintiff needn’t prove the case against the defendant.

8)    A criminal case is usually brought by a person against the state.

9)    If the defendant pleads not guilty, he is acquitted.

10)         The defendant’s innocence is presumed unless the defendant’s guilt is proved.




Фрагмент работы

Вариант 2


1. Answer the questions about the British police (10 баллов)


1.     In what situations can the policemen carry weapons?

In general, police officers don’t carry guns in day-to-day work. They can carry guns when there are terroristic incidents, armed robberies, etc.  But someone of policemen can carry weapons every day. Those are who guard politicians, diplomates and who patrol airports.


2.     How many areas is Great Britain divided into?

Great Britain is divided into 52 areas.

Цена: 250 р.

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