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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

ABSTRACT The topic of this graduation paper is “Russian Organized Crime”. The purpose of the study is to identify criminological knowledge of the manifestations of organized crime through the use of a systematic approach to its study for optimizing measures to prevent organized criminal activity. The research object is the social and legal relations associated with the development and current state of organized crime, as well as ensuring its prevention with measures of criminological and legal nature. The research subject is the organized crime regularities and trends as a systemic social and


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Цена: 750 р.

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The topic of this graduation paper is “Russian Organized Crime”.

The purpose of the study is to identify criminological knowledge of the manifestations of organized crime through the use of a systematic approach to its study for optimizing measures to prevent organized criminal activity.

The research object is the social and legal relations associated with the development and current state of organized crime, as well as ensuring its prevention with measures of criminological and legal nature.

The research subject is the organized crime regularities and trends as a systemic social and legal phenomenon; criminological indicators of organized crime and its social consequences; criminological features of the determination of organized crime; state and prospects of development of the system of organized crime prevention.

Фрагмент работы


The topic of this graduation paper is “Russian Organized Crime”.

The purpose of the study is to identify criminological knowledge of the manifestations of organized crime through the use of a systematic approach to its study for optimizing measures to prevent organized criminal activity.

The research object is the social and legal relations associated with the development and current state of organized crime, as well as ensuring its prevention with measures of criminological and legal nature.

The research subject is the organized crime regularities and trends as a systemic social and legal phenomenon; criminological indicators of organized crime and its social consequences; criminological features of the determination of organized crime; state and prospects of development of the system of organized crime prevention.

Цена: 750 р.

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