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Информационно-консультационный центр для студентов

Готовые работыАнглийский язык

Variant 5 Exercise 1. Underline the correct word in brackets and write full sentences. 1) The front of the aeroplane is called the (nose/ tail). 2) Please stand on the (truck/ deck) of the boat. 3) The speed of the engine is 5000 (rpm/ kW). 4) Please cut that wood. Use the (spanner/ chisel). Exercise 2. Delete one wrong word from each list: 1) Fixings: nails, bolts, nuts, screwdrivers, washers, staples, screws 2) Hand tools: spanners, screwdrivers, chisels, hammers, axles 3) Parts of a skateboard: wheels, axles, deck, nose, tail, helmet, truck Exercise 3. Rearrange


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* Готовая работа (дипломная, контрольная, курсовая, реферат, отчет по практике) – это выполненная ранее на заказ для другого студента и успешно защищенная работа. Как правило, в нее внесены все необходимые коррективы.
* В разделе "Готовые Работы" размещены только работы, сделанные нашими Авторами.
* Всем нашим Клиентам работы выдаются в электронном варианте.
* Работы, купленные в этом разделе, не дорабатываются и деньги за них не возвращаются.
* Работа продается целиком; отдельные задачи или главы из работы не вычленяются.

Цена: 300 р.


Variant 5


Exercise 1. Underline the correct word in brackets and write full sentences.

 1) The front of the aeroplane is called the (nose/ tail).

    2) Please stand on the (truck/ deck) of the boat.

    3) The speed of the engine is 5000 (rpm/ kW).

    4) Please cut that wood.  Use the (spanner/ chisel).


Exercise 2. Delete one wrong word from each list:


    1) Fixings:  nails, bolts, nuts, screwdrivers, washers, staples, screws

    2) Hand tools:  spanners, screwdrivers, chisels, hammers, axles

3) Parts of a skateboard:  wheels, axles, deck, nose, tail, helmet, truck


Exercise 3. Rearrange the word order. Write correctly.


    1) Where you are from? _______________________________________

    2) Take off the tyre the bicycle. _________________________________

    3) What this is called? ________________________________________

    4) Put on the table the spanner. _________________________________


Exercise 4. Add a word in one of the spaces.

           do           are          is  

    1) What (_____) her name?

2) What (_____) you do?

    3) What colour (_____) you want?

    4) What (_____) those called in English?

    5) How (_____) you spell your name?


Exercise 5. Insert the correct question word.

What    What’s    How    Where

     1) _____ your phone number? 

     2) _____ size do you want?

     3) _____ many nails do you need?

     4) _____ is Jamal from?

     5) _____ are these called?


Exercise 6. Put two words in each gap.  Use one from each box.

For example:     Q:  Am I correct?  A:  Yes, you are.


      I, you, he, they, it            am, are, is, aren’t, isn’t       


    1) Q:  Are you an electrician?  A:  Yes, __________.

    2) Q:  Is Luis from France?  A: No, __________.

    3) Q:  Are the switches on?  A: No, __________.

    4) Q:  Is the hammer on the table?  A:  Yes, __________.


Exercise 7.Use the words in the box to complete the dialogues.

         what’s       where        what       I’m       is         are         I’m

     1) A: Hi, _______ Kaito.

         B: Hello, my name _______ Pedro.

         A: Nice to meet you.

     2) A: Hello. _______ are you from?

         B: I’m from Japan. _______ is your name, please?

         A: I’m Hans. Pleased to meet you.

     3) A: Good to meet you, Svetlana. ________ you from Poland?

         B: No, _______ from Russia. ________ your name?

         A: I’m Danielle.

Фрагмент работы

Variant 5


Exercise 1. Underline the correct word in brackets and write full sentences.


    1) The front of the aeroplane is called the (nose/ tail).

        The front of the aeroplane is called the nose.


    2) Please stand on the (truck/ deck) of the boat.

        Please stand on the deck of the boat.


    3) The speed of the engine is 5000 (rpm/ kW).

         The speed of the engine is 5000 rpm.


    4) Please cut that wood.  Use the (spanner/ chisel).

        Please cut that wood.  Use the chisel.

Цена: 300 р.

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