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Готовые работыИностранные языки

Ticketing and Fares An airline ticket is a receipt for transportation that has been paid in advance by the passenger. The ticket specifies the points between which the transportation will take place. There is a separate coupon for each separate leg of flight. Each ticket shows the airline that issues it and it has a serial number which is printed on it. An airline ticket is nontransferable: that is it can’t be used by any person other than one whose name appears on the ticket. That is why the ticket agent first must fill in the passenger’s name. There is also space on the tic


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* Готовая работа (дипломная, контрольная, курсовая, реферат, отчет по практике) – это выполненная ранее на заказ для другого студента и успешно защищенная работа. Как правило, в нее внесены все необходимые коррективы.
* В разделе "Готовые Работы" размещены только работы, сделанные нашими Авторами.
* Всем нашим Клиентам работы выдаются в электронном варианте.
* Работы, купленные в этом разделе, не дорабатываются и деньги за них не возвращаются.
* Работа продается целиком; отдельные задачи или главы из работы не вычленяются.

Цена: 150 р.


Ticketing and Fares

      An airline ticket is a receipt for transportation that has been paid in advance by the passenger. The ticket specifies the points between which the transportation will take place. There is a separate coupon for each separate leg of flight.

      Each ticket shows the airline that issues it and it has a serial number which is printed on it. An airline ticket is nontransferable: that is it can’t be used by any person other than one whose name appears on the ticket. That is why the ticket agent first must fill in the passenger’s name.

      There is also space on the ticket to indicate where the trip starts and what type of service is, first class or economy class. The code “F” is used for the first class or code “Y” for economy class on the ticket. Besides that the agent must indicate the baggage allowance, the carrier (that is airline), the flight number and the time of departure. A two-letter code is used for the carrier, for instance “PA” for Pan American. Finally the “reservation status” must be indicated. It shows whether the seat has been confirmed (OK code) or only requested (RQ code).

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Распространение билетов и тарифы


      Авиабилет – это документ на перевозку, который оплачен пассажиром заранее. Билет определяет пункты, между которыми произойдет перевозка. Есть отрывной талон  для каждого отдельного этапа перелета.

Цена: 150 р.

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