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Готовые работыИностранные языки

Text 1 (стр. 110) Metals, Alloys and Their Use Man uses metals still so much today because of their valuable properties. The main advantage of metals is their strength and toughness. Plastics are lighter and more corrosion-resistant, but they are not usually as strong as metals. Another problem with plastics is what to do with them after use. Metals can be recycled but plastics can only be burned. Not all metals are strong. Copper and alluminium are metals, but if they are mixed together, the result is an alloy called alluminium bronze which is much stronger than pure copper or pure alluminium


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* В разделе "Готовые Работы" размещены только работы, сделанные нашими Авторами.
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Цена: 400 р.


Text 1 (стр. 110) Metals, Alloys and Their Use Man uses metals still so much today because of their valuable properties. The main advantage of metals is their strength and toughness. Plastics are lighter and more corrosion-resistant, but they are not usually as strong as metals. Another problem with plastics is what to do with them after use. Metals can be recycled but plastics can only be burned. Not all metals are strong. Copper and alluminium are metals, but if they are mixed together, the result is an alloy called alluminium bronze which is much stronger than pure copper or pure alluminium. Alloying is an important method of obtaining required properties such as strength, toughness, resistance to wear, magnetic properties, high electrical resistance or corrosion resistance. The properties of a metal can be further improved by use of heat treatment. Heat treatment is the number of different procedures in which the properties of metals and alloys are changed. It is usually consists of heating the metal or alloy to a selected temperature below its melting point and then cooling it at a certain rate to obtain those properties which are required. For example, hardening is used to make metals harder. Annealing is carried out to make a metal soft so that it can be machined more easily. Tempering makes them softer and less brittle. In this way, metallic materials can be produced to meet every kind of engineering specification and requirements.

Фрагмент работы

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Металлы, сплавы и их использование

Человек использует металлы все еще так много сегодня из-за их ценных свойств. Главное преимущество металлов – их прочность и вязкость.

Пластмассы легче и более стойкие к коррозии, но они обычно не такие  прочные, как металлы. Другая проблема с пластмассами заключается в том, что делать с ними после использования. Металлы могут быть переработаны, а пластмассы могут быть только сожжены

Цена: 400 р.

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