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Готовые работыИностранные языки

Industrial art has had no more beautiful and useful material to aid its progress throughout the ages than glass. Many sciences could scarcely have existed or could not have developed far without its assistance. It can be produced either colorless or hued with any hue, and either transparent or opaque. The period of the invention of glass cannot be now traced and how it was discovered is unknown. A fanciful story told by the Roman writer Pliny tells of Phoenician merchants to have discovered the art of glass making. According to this legend as the merchants were returning from Egypt they landed


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Цена: 150 р.


Industrial art has had no more beautiful and useful material to aid its progress throughout the ages than glass. Many sciences could scarcely have existed or could not have developed far without its assistance. It can be produced either colorless or hued with any hue, and either transparent or opaque. The period of the invention of glass cannot be now traced and how it was discovered is unknown. A fanciful story told by the Roman writer Pliny tells of Phoenician merchants to have discovered the art of glass making. According to this legend as the merchants were returning from Egypt they landed on the coast. Glass is now used extensively in bathrooms, laboratories, and kitchens, in swimming-baths and underground railway stations, and in hospital, wards, corridors and operating theatres. Glass is likewise used on account of its variety of colour and highly polished surface for decorative features such as wall and ceiling lining, in vestibules, theatres, etc.

Фрагмент работы

Промышленная эстетика не имела более красивого и полезного материала, чтобы помочь ее прогрессу в течение веков, чем стекло. Многие науки, возможно, едва ли смогли бы существовать или смогли бы развиваться без его помощи. Его можно производить или бесцветным, или цветным с любым оттенком, и либо прозрачным, либо непрозрачным. Сейчас нельзя проследить период изобретения стекла, неизвестно, как оно 

Цена: 150 р.

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