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Готовые работыГуманитарные дисциплины

Тест.по лингвистике.CCC FINAL TEST (40 points)Place names having cultural and historical associations belong to _realia. A geographic B ethnographic C onomastic 2. Silence is interpreted as positive in: A European cultures B Asian cultures C African cultures 3. Which of the following DOES NOT characterize individualist cultures? A They value personal freedom highly. B Space and privacy are important. C Communication is intuitive and complex. 4. Pub in British culture is t


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* Готовая работа (дипломная, контрольная, курсовая, реферат, отчет по практике) – это выполненная ранее на заказ для другого студента и успешно защищенная работа. Как правило, в нее внесены все необходимые коррективы.
* В разделе "Готовые Работы" размещены только работы, сделанные нашими Авторами.
* Всем нашим Клиентам работы выдаются в электронном варианте.
* Работы, купленные в этом разделе, не дорабатываются и деньги за них не возвращаются.
* Работа продается целиком; отдельные задачи или главы из работы не вычленяются.

Цена: 450 р.


CCC FINAL TEST (40 points)                             Name_________________

  1. Place names having cultural and historical associations belong to ________realia.

A geographic    B ethnographic   C onomastic


  1. Silence is interpreted as positive in:                                                             

A European cultures   B Asian cultures   C African cultures


  1. Which of the following DOES NOT characterize individualist cultures?           

A  They value personal freedom highly.

B  Space and privacy are important.

C  Communication is intuitive and complex.


4. Pub in British culture is the example of:

      A  native realia  B foreign realia  C suburban realia


5. From the list below choose THREE features characteristic of people from a high context culture:          

      A  They emphasize verbal communication.

      B  They rely on facts and statistics.

      C  They rely on intuition.

      D  They prefer indirect style in writing and speaking.

      E  They prefer linear reasoning.

      F They rely on documents.


6. From the list below choose THREE features characteristic of people from Polychronic-Time cultures:

      A  They concentrate on the job.

     B  They do many things at a time.

      C  They change plans often and easily.

      D  They take schedules and deadlines seriously.

      E  They are accustomed to short-term relationships.                                                   

       F  They have strong tendency to build lifetime relationships.


7. From the list below choose THREE low context cultures:

      A Italy   B Austria   C France   D the USA   E Russia   F Sweden   


8. Write the missing word:

‘While people in high context cultures adhere to the spirit of the law the people in low context cultures adhere to the letter of the law’.


9. Write the missing word:

‘People from low-context cultures separate job tasks from relationships’. 


10.  What is a dramatic and sharp conflict of cultures within a human society called?

_____ a revolution

_____ a carnival

_____ chaos


10.  What term is used to describe a certain psychological state of a person when he/she moves to a completely new cultural environment?  Culture shock


  1. What do we call the type of communication that conveys meaning without words? nonverbal


  1. What type of communication is exercised through technical devices?  Mass communication


  1. Give a synonym to the term ‘culture specific elements’. Realia


  1. Write the missing word:

‘The U-pattern of culture shock is also known as the Adaptationcurve’.


15.  Stereotypes are based on:

A ethnocentrism       B prior assumption     C public opinion


16.  The term “stereotype” was first invented in:

A psychology       B printing                  C medicine


17.  The ‘one thumb up’ sign means hitch-hiking in ...

A France         B the USA     C China


  1. “Help me with this bag, will you, pal” – is the strategy of …

A. off-record politeness                   B. negative politeness            C. positive politeness


19.  Write the missing word/phrase: The set of rules which defines what topics can be spoken about in what situations and what words should be used is known as speech etiquette.


20.  The phrase to park your ass is

__ euphemism

__ taboo



Фрагмент работы

1.       Считается, что в видимом спектре человеческий глаз различает

__ около 500 цветов

__ около 50 цветов

__ около 120 цветов


2.       Какая группа объединяет цвета оранжевый, красно-оранжевый, красный?

 __  коротковолновая(380–500 нм)

__  средневолновая(500–600 нм)

__  длинноволновая(700–760 нм):


3.       Семантические оппозиции сопоставимы с лексическим явлением:

__ полисемии


__ синонимии

__ омонимии


4.       Прототипом концепта движения в системе народных представлений славян и семантике движения в ритуале служит:

__ кружение

__ бег

__ хождение

__ превращение


Цена: 450 р.

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