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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

контрольная работа: I. Подобрать русские эквиваленты к данным английским словосочетаниям: А. a) neither iron, nor copper, nor tin b) the rest of the elements. II. Сгруппируйте слова по их временным формам: Simple Active, Simple Passive, Progressive Active, Perfect Active, Perfect Passive. пределите сказуемое в следующих предложениях: 1. Silicon like carbon has the capacity to gain four electrons and form four covalent bonds. COMPOUNDS OF SODIUM AND POTASSIUM The alkali metals - lithium, sodium, potassium, ru


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Цена: 200 р.


Вариант 2.

I.                   Подобрать русские эквиваленты к данным английским словосочетаниям:


a) neither iron, nor copper, nor tin

b) the rest of the elements

c) the scales will strike an almost perfect balance

d) the ultimate foundation

e) the most abundant element

f) the supply of these metals


1. самый распространенный элемент

2. ни железо, ни медь, ни олово

3. чаши весов почти уравновесятся

4. потребность в этих металлах

5. остальные элементы

6. основа основ


II.                Сгруппируйте слова по их временным формам:

Simple Active, Simple Passive, Progressive Active, Perfect Active, Perfect Passive.


makes à is making à has made;

were broughtà are bringingà have been brought;

didà was doing à had been done;

are valued à have valued.


III.             Определите сказуемое в следующих предложениях:

1. Silicon like carbon has the capacity to gain four electrons and form four covalent bonds.

a)     like

b)    has

c)     to gain

d)    form

1.     In many cases the exact role played by Silicon, tin and vanadium would remain unknown or unclear.

a) played

b) would remain

c) unknown


IV.      Прочитайте и переведите текст:


 COMPOUNDS OF SODIUM AND POTASSIUM                                                                  

The alkali metals - lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and caesium - which fall in Group I of the Periodic Classification, are the most strongly electro-positive elements known. They are all uni-valent, and their compounds are soluble in water. The metals them­selves are distinguished by their great affinity1 for oxygen. They undergo oxidation rapidly on exposure to air, and decompose water readily in the cold, with evolution of hydrogen and formation of soluble, strongly alkaline hydroxides. All these characteristics are most marked in caesium, and least in lithium.

Sodium and potassium compounds are widely distributed and abundant. Lithium compounds are found in comparatively small quantities, and rubidium and caesium are decidedly rare elements. The compounds of sodium and potassium are very widely employed in pharmacy, and corresponding compounds of the two metals are similar in therapeutic action.

Compounds of sodium. The chief naturally occurring compound of sodium is the chloride, NaCl, which is present in sea-water to the extent of 2 to 3 per cent, and is also found as rock salt.       The manufacture of sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and  sodium hydroxide forms the chief branch of the great alkali industry. Most of the  sodium salts used in pharmacy   are made   from the carbonate or hydroxide.

Sodium hydroxide. Contains not less than 95.0 per cent of total alkali, calculated as NaOH, and not more than 2.5 per cent of Na2CO3. Sodium hydroxide is manufactured by heating sodium carbonate with water and lime in large iron tanks.

Most of the sodium carbonate produced at the present day is man­ufactured by the ammonia-soda process.. The principle of the method is simple. Strong brine containing a high concentration of ammonia  is passed through a "carbonating tower"4 where it is saturated with carbon dioxide under pressure. The ammonia and carbon dioxide decomposition with the sodium chloride causes the precipitation of sodium bicarbonate, which is not very soluble in water, and is still less soluble in brine.



1. affinity – химическое сродство. Здесь: эти металлы распознаются по их свойству легко соединяться с кислородом.

2. onexposuretoair –под действие воздуха.

3. irontanks – металлические емкости.

4. carbonating tower – углеродная колонка.



ex. I. Define if the statements are true or false:

1. The alkali metals in Group I of the Periodic Classification are the most strongly electro-positive elements known.

2. All of them don’t undergo oxidation rapidly on exposure to air and decompose water readily in the cold.

3. All of the characteristics are most marked in caesium and potassium.

4. The manufacture of sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and sodium hydroxide forms the chief branch of the great alkali industry.

5. The ammonia and carbon dioxide decomposition with the sodium chloride causes the precipitation of sodium bicarbonate, which is very soluble in water.


 ex. II.Translate the sentences with the help of the English equivalents given below:

1. Щелочные металлы быстро окисляются под действие воздуха.

2. Соединения натрия и калия очень распространены в природе.

3. Соединения лития находятся в очень небольшом количестве.

4. Гидроксид натрия получают нагреванием карбоната натрия с водой и известью в больших металлических емкостях.

5. Разложение аммиака и двуокиси углерода вызывает осаждение бикарбоната натрия.

1. The alkali metals; the ammonia and carbon dioxide decomposition; lithium compounds; sodium and potassium compounds.

2. Sodium hydroxide; are widely distributed; is manufactured by; causes; are found.

3. Undergo oxidation rapidly; the precipitation of sodium bicarbonate; on exposure to air; in nature; heating sodium carbonate with water and lime in large iron tanks; in comparatively small quantities.


ex. III. Answer the questions:

1. Are lithium, sodium, potassium and caesium the alkali metals?

2. Do these metals fall in Group 2 of the Periodic Classification?

3. These metals undergo oxidation rapidly on exposure to air, don’t they?

4. Are most of the sodium salts used in pharmacy made from the carbonate and hydroxide?

5. Is the principle of the manufacturing method difficult?


Study “Simple Tenses in Passive Voice” in the book “English grammar for pharmaceutical students”

Grammar exercise:

a)     Have had

b)    had

c)     are having

1.     This week we … our lecture in biology.

a)     had

a)     had had

b)    have had

2.     He didn’t enter the institute as he … an examination.

a)     didn’t pass

b)    hasn’t pass

c)     hadn’t passed


3.     … your group performed the task of gathering medicinal herbs and plants?

a)     was

b)    has

c)     did

d)    had

4.     The mixture … its properties by the end of the experiment.

a)     had preserved

b)    will preserve

c)     has preserved

5.     They … a new carbon compound by the next year.

a)     will produce

b)    produced

c)     will have produced

VI.                  Выберите правильный вариант отрицания и вспомогательного глагола для вопроса.

1.     She … use the record of your experiment next month.

a)     will not

b)    did not

c)     are not

2.     The substance … highly inflammable.

a)     is not

b)    do not

c)     are not

3.     She … the substance after analyses next term.

a)     won’t weight

b)    didn’t weight

c)     does not weight

4.     Compounds are homogenous, … ?

a)     aren’t they

b)    isn’t they

c)     are they

5.     A physical change involves only a few of the properties of the substance undergoing it …?

a)     doesn’t it

b)    don’t it

c)     isn’t it

6.     … oxygen occur as an important component of the atmosphere?

a)     has

b)    does

c)     do

VII.         Поставьте глагол в соответствующем времени страдательного залога.

1.     Many experiments (carry out) by pharmaceutical students yesterday.

2.     By the end of our practice many medical plants (collect) at the botanical stations.

3.     Pharmacy (define) as the science of recognizing, identifying, selecting, preparing and compounding substances.

4.     Some preparations which were known to primitive men (know) in a modified form.

5.     It is known that morphine (isolate) from opium by 1906.

6.     He said that the room (ventilate) for two hours before the class began.

VIII.      Заполните пропуски, выбрав соответствующую грамматическую форму.

1.     Geochemistry told wonderful stories such as … never before… to man.

a)     were … known

b)    had …known

c)     had… been known

2.     No effort … to smelt noble metals from their ores.

a)     is not required

b)    is required

3.     Some elements … after the planets of the solar system, such as uranium, plutonium, neptunium, etc.

a)     are named

a)     will be named

b)    were named

4.     The versatility of the carbon atom is responsible for the millions of organic components… on the Earth.

a)     are found

b)    had been  found

c)     found

5.     The principle positively… ions are provided by sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

a)     are charged

b)    charging

c)     charged

6.     Scientists … detected more than 70 different chemical elements in the human organism, including uranium.

a)     should

b)    have

c)     are

7.     People … to add platinum to the gold using it to make coins.

a)     begin

b)    began

c)     had begun

8.     The principle analytical instruments of the chemists of the past … their sense organs.

a)     are

b)    were

c)     had been


Цена: 200 р.

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