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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

Контрольная работа № 3, вариант 6. Английский язык. Задание 1. Cпишите текст и письменно переведите его на русский язык. Russia is the birthplace of electric welding. A whole galaxy of Russian scientists and technologists has contributed to this sphere. Their discoveries brought about a revolution electrical engineering and have given impetus to the development of welding in many countries. The “Electric” plant we commissioned to produce the first Soviet welding machines. In over half a country it has provided the national economy with tens of thousands of automatic welding machine


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Цена: 200 р.

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Задание 1. Cпишите текст и письменно переведите его на русский язык.

      Russia is the birthplace of electric welding. A whole galaxy of Russian scientists and technologists has contributed to this sphere. Their discoveries brought about a revolution electrical engineering and have given impetus to the development of welding in many countries.

      The “Electric” plant we commissioned to produce the first Soviet welding machines. In over half a country it has provided the national economy with tens of thousands of automatic welding machines and transformers, high-quality converters, resistance spot-welding, seam welding and pressure contact welding machines, etc. Today, the “Elektrik” plant is the leading country manufacturer of electric welding equipment, and there is hardly a branch of industry that does not employ equipment bearing its trademark. The welding ship’s hulls, machine parts and gas pipelines and house construction are only a few of the operations that are performed by the “Elektrik” machines.

Задание 2. Поставьте 6 вопросов к тексту 1 задания: 3 общих и 3 специальных.


Задание 3. Выпишите из предложений 1 задания сказуемые, определите время и залог глагола.


Задание 4. переведите на русский язык следующие технические термины: burner, furnace, water-tubeboiler, marineboiler, single-drumboiler, valve, waterfall.

Задание 5. Спишите и письменно переведите его на русский язык.



      Up to now drum boilers were single flow as there are no partitions of flowing gases. The main boiler of tanker “Druzhba” has upper and low drums connected by tubes. After the third and fifth rows of tubes a super heater is located. It consists of horizontal tubes connected with headers. In one header the saturated steam is entering, from the other header the superheated steam is leaving. In the upper steam water drum there is a separator. Above the upper drum there is a water economizer. The normal steam generating capacity of this boiler is 32.2 t/h, max. – 45.5 t/h, superheated steam pressure is 42.6 kg/cm2, temperature 464 degrees C.





Цена: 200 р.

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