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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

Английский язык. Контрольная работа №5. Вариант №3.I. Найдите в следующих предложениях инфинитив. Определите его форму и функцию и переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. To know Russian literature is to know Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov and Gorky. 2. I am happy to have met him. 3. The best way to learn about a country is to read a lot. 4. The text is too long to be translated today. II. Переведите на русский язык данные английские предложения с инфинитивом. 1. The horse was quiet to ride. 2. The man was not one to think rapidly. 3. A gentleman to come to that! 4. He to have said that


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* Готовая работа (дипломная, контрольная, курсовая, реферат, отчет по практике) – это выполненная ранее на заказ для другого студента и успешно защищенная работа. Как правило, в нее внесены все необходимые коррективы.
* В разделе "Готовые Работы" размещены только работы, сделанные нашими Авторами.
* Всем нашим Клиентам работы выдаются в электронном варианте.
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* Работа продается целиком; отдельные задачи или главы из работы не вычленяются.

Цена: 150 р.


I. Найдите в следующих предложениях инфинитив. Определите его форму и функцию и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. To know Russian literature is to know Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov and Gorky.

2. I am happy to have met him.

3. The best way to learn about a country is to read a lot.

4. The text is too long to be translated today.

II. Переведите на русский язык данные английские предложения с инфинитивом.

1. The horse was quiet to ride.

2. The man was not one to think rapidly.

3. A gentleman to come to that!

4. He to have said that – only to think of it!

III. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя объектный и инфинитивный оборот (Complex Object).

I believe this daily newspaper to be very interesting.

I’d like they to have joined us.

He watched the curtain to rise.

I understood you to have change your mind.

IV. Переведите данные предложения, содержащие субъектный инфинитивный оборот (Complex Subject).

1. The company is known to have been rehearsing the new play for two months.

2. They are bound to agree to our plan.

3. Bill turned out to be a very good translator.

4. She is certain to have answered the letter.

V. Переведите письменно текст.


When men began to live together in small communities, they saw, that it was necessary to find ways of sending messages from one community to another.

There were several different ways of communication in ancient time. Some societies used fire and smoke signals, but the most common way was to use couriers. A courier was a man to run or ride very quickly between towns and villages and to carry the news.

The invention of the telegraph system was followed by inventing the telephone. The wireless telegraph and the radio came after the telegraph and the telephone.

The radio valve having been invented, it became possible to transmit speech, music and vision signals. This led to the development of broadcasting and television. The broadcasting of news is now an essential part of modern life. The word “television” has come to mean now not merely some device that enables us to see at a distance, but a new kind of art.

VI. Ответьте письменно на вопрос к тексту

“What did the invention of the radio valve make possible?”

The invention of the radio valve made possible to transmit speech, music and vision signals.

Цена: 150 р.

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