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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

контрольная работа: 1. Прочитайте и выучите слова: business - дело economic - экономический social - общественный. 1. What are the main variables which influence business operation? 2. How can the owners be characterized? 3. Where can the companies borrow funds? Business environment All types of businesses in Australia exist within an economic and social framework. This frame work includes a number of different variables which influence business operations. 1. Why is the financial manager's contribution to the firm's activity great today? 2. Why is the field of finance closely related


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Цена: 200 р.


Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык» 2 семестр для направления 38.03.03 «Управление персоналом»


Тема 1:BusinessEnvironment

Exercise 1. Прочитайте и выучите слова:

business - дело

economic - экономический

social - общественный

operation - операция

finance - финансы

material - материал

organization - организация

characteristic - характеристика

risk - риск

prospect - рекламная брошюра

partnership - партнерство

company - компания

manager - менеджер, управленец

funds - фонды

bank - банк

combining - комбинирование

overdraft - превышение кредита (в банке)

manufacturer - предприниматель, промышленник

credit - кредит

professional - профессиональный

association - ассоциация, объединение

effect - эффект

role - роль

factor - фактор

collector - сборщик (налогов), инкассатор

local - местный

client - клиент

service - услуга 

Exercise 2. Прочитайте, переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What are the main variables which influence business operation?

2. How can the owners be characterized?

3. Where can the companies borrow funds?

4. What are the main groups of suppliers?

5. Who looks after employees' interests?

6. What is consumer?

7. How are links between government and businesses realized?

8. What are the main characteristics of competitors? 


Business environment

All types of businesses in Australia exist within an economic and social framework. This frame work includes a number of different variables which influence business operations. 

Look at these influences:


This group of people or organizations usually have the following characteristics: 
• they initially fund and set the business up; 
• they are risk-takers or entrepreneurs who believe that the prospects of future profits are greater than the risk of losses; 
• they are sole proprietors, members of partnership, or shareholders in a company; 
• they manage the enterprise themselves or employ managers to run the business for them.


Most businesses borrow funds from third parties such as banks and finance companies. Such arrangements are usually direct loans to the business, often secured by a mortgage. Banks also make overdraft facilities available to most businesses.


Many types of businesses purchase goods from suppliers and resell them to their customers, either as they are, or after combining or altering them (i.e. acting as wholesalers/retailers, or manufacturers). Such purchases and sales are made on a credit or cash basis.


Employees offer businesses necessary skills and expertise. They expect to be paid accordingly. Their interests, often looked after by trade unions or professional associations, increasingly cover wider areas than pure financial rewards. Hence the costs and benefits of employees have considerable effect on the business and require careful considerations by management.

Employees may also act as managers of the business. In this role they should act in its best interests. Financial information will be necessary to help them to do this.


Businesses must have an awareness of legal and social requirements if they are to remain in existence. Taxation is a major factor. A business must act as a tax collector for government by withholding tax from employees, and, if set up as a company, must pay taxation itself. Federal, state, and local government bodies all have various regulations which business are expected to adhere to.


Consumers are the customers or clients of the business, those people or organizations who are prepared to buy, on cash or credit terms, the goods or services the business is offering.


Other organizations in the same industry selling similar products will have considerable effect on the ability of a business to survive. Competitors both in terms of price and quality must be taken into account by business managers. Gross profit margins (i.e. difference between cost and selling price of items) are influenced by competition in the market place. 

Exercise 3. Read the text once again and define which variables belong to the external environment and which of them belong to the internal environment. 

Тема 2: Financial Management


Exercise 1. Прочитайте и выучите слова:

financial - финансовый

director - директор

firm - фирма

decade - декада

structure - структура

inflation - инфляция

optimist - оптимизм

analysis - анализ

pessimist - пессимизм

theory - теория

international - международный

corporation - корпорация

balance - баланс

integrate- интегрировать 
manager's contribution to ... - вклад менеджера в ...;

unpredictableeconomicturns - непредсказуемые повороты в экономике;

to maintain the viability of ... - поддерживать жизнеспособность ...;

to manage the affairs of ... - управлять делами ...;

understand relationships between ...- понимать взаимоотношения между;

structurefordecision-making - структура для принятия решения;

pricingtheory - теория ценообразования;

disposalincome - доход на душу населения;

grossnationalproduct - валовой национальный продукт;

income statement - отчет о доходах;

balance sheet - балансовый отчет;

statement of cash flows - отчет о движении наличности 

Exercise 2.
Прочитайте, переведитетекстиответьтенавопросы:

1. Why is the financial manager's contribution to the firm's activity great today?

2. Why is the field of finance closely related to economics and accounting?

3. What does economics provide?

4. Why is accounting language of finance?

5. What should a financial manager know to be the best one. 


Financial management

The financial manager's contribution to directing the operations of the firm has become increasingly critical in the last decade. In a time of unpredictable economic turns, fluctuating interest rates, inflation and disinflation, painful shortage and excesses, and extreme optimism and pessimism, the chief financial officer must maintain the financial viability of the firm. As financial markets become more international, the chief financial officer must also manage the global financial affairs of the firm. The board of directors and the president look to the financial division to provide a precious resource-capital management and to manage it in an efficient and profitable way.

The field of finance is closely connected to economics and accounting, and financial managers need to have an understanding of the relationships between these fields. Economics provides a structure for decision making in such areas as risk analysis, pricing theory through supply and demand relationships, comparative return analysis, and many other important areas. Economics also provides the broad picture of the economic environment in which corporations are continually making decisions.

Economic variables, such as gross national product, industrial production, disposable income, unemployment, inflation, interest rates and taxes, must fit into the financial manager's decision model and be applied correctly.

Accounting is sometimes said to be the language of finance in that it provides financial data through income statements, balance sheets, and the statement of cash flows. The financial manager must know how to interpret and use these statements in the allocation of the firm's financial resources to generate the best return possible in the long run. Finance is the link that integrates economic theory with the numbers of accounting, and all corporate managers - whether in the area of production, sales, research, marketing, management, or long-run strategic planning - must know what it means to assess the financial performance of the firm. Today, the emphasis of financial management has also sharply focused on risk-return relationships and the maximization of return for a given level of risk. 

Exercise 3. Read the text once again and find key words in every passage. 

Exercise 4. Read every passage once again and express its contents in one sentence. 

Тема 3:Human Resource Management

Exercise 1.Прочитайте и выучите слова:
function - функция

decision - решение

organization - организация

supervision - наблюдение, руководство

specification - спецификация, детализация

qualification - квалификация

disposition - расположение

information - информация

direction - направление 


Exercise 2. Прочитайте, переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is human resource management?

2. What are the main areas of the human resource management?

3. What does staffing involve?

4. What do you conduct to identify what you need in staff?

5. Where and how can you find an employee?

6. Why is training and development important?

7. What are the main principles of supervision?

8. What are the main motivators? 


Human resource management

Human resource management is a function performed in organizations which facilitates the most effective use of employees to achieve an organization's goals.

Human resource management issues in small businesses are usually not very complex, but very important. You may be able to hide a poor personnel decision in a large company. But it is almost impossible to hide it in a small business. Managing people is not an easy task. The main areas of human resource management for the manager are staffing (recruitment), training and development, supervision and motivation.

Staffing involves such things as: 
- know how many people you will need with what skills and attributes; 
- know how to attract staff to your business; 
- know where suitable applicants can be found; 
- know what things to ask about when interviewing prospective staff.

In order to identify what you need in staff you are to conduct "job analysis" - an assessment of the personal requirements for the job for which you are going to hire someone. These requirements (or "job specifications") could be specified in terms of qualifications, general ability, specific aptitudes, interests and disposition.

In order to attract applicants you, as employer, can advertise in the newspaper or magazine, on TV or radio, get information from the State Employment Service, or private agencies, or get referrals from existing staff members.

There are four main factors which most people look for in a job, they are: 
- convenience; 
- money; 
- attractiveness of the work; 
- environment.

At the interview you are to find out if the applicant possesses the qualities required for this job.

Training and development involves giving staff the skills and knowledge they need to do their work effectively.

There are three things you should know: 
- how to identify a training need; 
- how to conduct learning; 
- what to do after training.

Supervision. The three principles of "firm, fair and friendly" provide a useful way to approach staff supervision. People expect managers to give clear directions to what is required in the job. They expect to be rewarded when they have done a good job. At first, close supervision is required. When the personnel becomes more experienced, you may allow it to use their initiative. When giving negative feedback try to be descriptive rather than evaluative.

Motivation. There can be different motivators, such as interests and development, monetary rewards, sociability, convenience. Money can be a powerful motivator, but it is often not as powerful as people think. 

Exercise 3. Here are some requirements for rewarding and satisfying job. Classify each of the elements of the ideal job under the following four headings: 





- a good salary;
- long holidays;
- good relationships with colleagues;
- a good canteen/cafeteria;
- variety and enjoyment in the work done;
- contact with the public;
- little work to do;
- the opportunity to reduce other people's suffering;
- flexible hours;
- a convenient place to park;
- proximity to place of residence;
- travel;
- social activities at one's place of work (dinner, excursions, picnics, etc.);
- promotion prospects;
- a pleasant and attractive place of work;
- a clean and well-heated place of work;
- the prestige of the company;
- a smoke-free area;

- a feeling of making the world a better place to live in;
- a creche/daycare centre for children;
- opportunities for continuing education;
- an opportunity to initiate new products;
- close supervision over you;
- little or no supervision over you;
- any members of the opposite sex working there should be attractive;
- a strong union;
- a tight organizational structure with a well-defined hierarchy;
- loose organizational structure;
- a democratic decision-making process;
- perks (company car, cheap loans, large discounts on company products, etc);
- lots of responsibility;
- job security;
- a feeling of being useful;
- the opportunity to command other people.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the manager's account of the working day.

Why is he studying English?

What methods does he use to improve his English? 


My name is Akira Mishima. I am a Human Resource Manager and I work for a big company in Japan. Our company is a multinational one and we have many subsidiaries in different countries of the world. We work together with people of different nations and nationalities, so I have to speak English in order to communicate with them. I study English in my company. Although I am a busy manager, I try to squeeze English lessons in my busy schedule. We have classes twice a week in the evening. After classes I get home later than usual. But as a rule I look through English newspapers, such as Financial Times and Independent. If I am not tired, I watch English films or listen to English radio. I have even hired a private tutor and I speak English with him every Saturday.

Next September I am going to participate in the conference on the problems of the Human Resources management and I hope to make a report about my work. 


Цена: 200 р.

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