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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

контрольная работа: 1.Выучите слова и выражения. 1. to call (ring) - звонить 2. to speak on the phone - говорить по телефону. 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. This is Sue, Sue James. 2. Jack Bild here. 3. Расскажите о себе, используя вопросы. 1. Do you have to have a a mobile phone? 4. Прочтите текст и расскажите о телефонных групповых переговорах, используя вопросы. 1. When are multiple calls required? 2. When is a conference or laud speaking needed? Text In the 1970s a number of telecommunication companies introduced a very interesting idea. They suggested organizing te


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Цена: 150 р.


Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык для делового общения» 2 курс

"I'd like to speak to ..."

Exercise 1.Выучите слова и выражения.

1. to call (ring) - звонить

2. to speak on the phone - говорить по телефону

3. toputthrough - соединять по телефону

4. to be in - быть в офисе

5. to be out - выйти, быть вне офиса

6. to be away - уехать

7. to reach somebody - дозвонится до кого либо

8. to be busy (engaged) - быть занятым

9. to hold on - быть на линии, не отпускать трубку

10. to leave the message - оставить сообщение

11. to contact somebody - связаться с кем-то

12. to trouble (bother) somebody - беспокоить кого-либо

13. to get the wrong number - неправильно набрать номер. 

2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. This is Sue, Sue James.

2. Jack Bild here.

3. Who is calling, please?

4. Could you put me through to ...

5. I'd like to speak to your computer manager.

6. Can I speak to Mr. Brown, please?

7. Could I take a message?

8. What time could I reach him?

9. Hold the line, please.

10. I am sorry, he is not in at the moment.

11. Can I call back later?

12. I am sorry, the line is engaged (busy).

13. He is out for a few days. Can I give him a massage? 

Exercise 3.  Расскажите о себе, используя вопросы.

1.     Do you have to have a a mobile phone?

2.     What is your telephone number?

3.     How long have you been using your telephone?

4.     Is your telephone of the latest model?

5.     What services does your telephone provide?

6.     How often do you speak on business?

7.     How often do you talk to your friends?

8.     Do you often get the wrong number? 


Exercise 4. Прочтите текст и расскажите о телефонных групповых переговорах, используя вопросы.

1. When are multiple calls required?

2. When is a conference or laud speaking needed?

3. What is the aim of the telephone meetings?

4. Is it cheaper or more expensive to use telephone conference instead of travel?

5. What are disadvantages of the telephone conferences? 



In the 1970s a number of telecommunication companies introduced a very interesting idea. They suggested organizing telephone meetings or conferences by telephone. The form of the conference depends of the number of people participating in the conference and where they are located. When a number of people from different locations take part, a multiple or conference call is needed. When there is a group of people in one location, they can use a loud speaking telephone or a conference telephone with headsets.

The idea of telephone instead of personal meetings is very important today for multinational companies because they help save money and time. The disadvantages of such meetings are that you can neither see the participants nor demonstrate any visual materials. But you can overcome these drawbacks when you use a conference TV service. 



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Цена: 150 р.

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