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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

контрольная работа: 1: MARKETING AND THE COMPANY Exercise 1. Read and translate the text and find out. 1.What is the purpose of any business? 2. What is marketing function in the organization? MARKETING AND THE COMPANY Sales - or production-oriented organizations sell what they can make. Customer-oriented organizations make what they can sell (Anon) The purpose of business is the creation of value for key stakeholders, customers, shareholders, employees and other collaborators in the process. An organization cannot create value for any of them unless it can create value for customers. The


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Цена: 200 р.


Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык» 1 семестр для направления 080400.62

(все задания выполняются письменно)




Exercise 1. Read and translate the text and find out.

1.  What is the purpose of any business?

2.   What is marketing function in the organization?

3.   What are the main tasks of the director of the company?

4.   What is it - a marketing - led company?

5.  What is it - a production - led company?

6.  What is it - a customer - led company?

7.  What is the difference among these types of companies?



Sales - or production-oriented organizations sell what they can make.

Customer-oriented organizations make what they can sell (Anon)

The purpose of business is the creation of value for key stakeholders, customers, shareholders, employees and other collaborators in the process. An organization cannot create value for any of them unless it can create value for customers. The essential element in marketing is to view the exchange process from the perspective of the customer.

The marketing function within an organization is the primary means by which customer value is created and delivered. It is the process by which an organization focuses its resources, systems, structure and culture on achieving value for customers in order to achieve its own objectives.

Directors have to create value in global markets and against global' competition. They have knowledgeable and highly critical customers and demanding shareholders.

Marketing-orientated thinking is absolutely vital for success in this business environment. Company directors have to understand their company's market position and capability, their customers’ real needs and the influences on them, use this knowledge effectively to establish and maintain the company’s place in its chosen markets.

A marketing-led company

Marketing is an attitude of mind, a philosophy and a culture that must permeate the organization at all levels and in all functions. To achieve this, a company must retain its customer focus at all times, change with its customers, develop new products and move into new markets at the right moment.

The company must be prepared to adapt in line with market changes. This is an understanding of both the changes that are taking place and their causes. The board must also be able to change in the right direction in order to keep ahead of both current and potential competitors. However, even identifying competitors has become a complex issue in its own right, as customers have an ever-wider choice of ways to satisfy their needs.

The marketing function’s primary task is to deliver the marketing strategy as a starting point for the determination of the company’s corporate strategy. Directors will only be able to maximize their company’s potential if they have a good understanding of marketing strategy and are prepared to apply marketing principles throughout the organization. The marketing approach is sometimes contrasted with the approaches of production-led and sales-led companies.

A production-led company A production-led company focuses on optimizing the use of its own production facilities. Typically, this involves maximizing use of production capacity and staff time, streamlining operations and improving product quality. It may be highly time-efficient, cost-efficient and apparently thriving.

The problem with such companies is that they can lose touch with market needs and sometimes even develop products to fill production capacity without a clear idea of whether there is a demand for them. At best they react to market changes but are often too late to take advantage of new opportunities, so any success is likely to be short-lived.

A sales-led company For a sales-led company, problems might arise from the focus on maximizing sales. These companies see resistance by potential customers as a problem that can be overcome by stronger selling techniques and more active promotion. Goals tend to be short-term and general.

The tendency is to use pressure-selling techniques to chase turnover at almost any cost. Salespeople who are judged on how well they meet sales targets are tempted to offer lower prices in order to win business. The sales force may then be blamed for loss of business, lower margins or even selling below cost.

The result is a de-motivated and vulnerable sales force, which cannot solve the problems. It has no defense against competitors who can match their product to the needs of their target customers and offer a more attractive proposition.


Exercise 2. Read the text once again and express the contents of every passage in one sentence.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps in this passage with the words under the line; learn all the new words to expand your vocabulary on the topic.


1.   A company is also called a firm or a business. When it is producing goods or trading, it is said to be in business. A... which is just starting up is going into .... A company which stops operating goes out of .... If a ... gets bigger, it expands. The ... of the company means it can produce more goods or sell more of its products._

company, business, firm, expansion, business

2.   A manufacturer ... goods. The goods that it makes are called ...

. When a manufacturing company ..., it usually increases its production. If one year it produces 100 tilings, and next year - 110 things, it has increased its ... by 10 %.     

producers, products, expands, produces, production



Exercise 1.Read and translate the text and find out.

1.Is marketing philosophy or set of tools and techniques?

2.  What should the board of directors understand?

3.  What is the marketing director’s role in the company?

4.  What companies deal with the theory of marketing?

5.  Why do people consider marketing as 4 P-s?

6.  What 3 additional P-s do scientists use today?

7.  What is personalization?



The term «marketing» is used in two quite different ways:

1.                 Marketing is the philosophy that places customers at the centre of the organization's approach to its strategy. It must be led by the directors and senior managers, and must permeate the organization at all levels. The board has to understand that success in marketing derives from the effectiveness with which the organization can focus the attention of all its members on the creation of customer value. This means, in particular, a willingness to invest in the systems, processes, training etc. to bring it about and sustain it over time.

2.                 Marketing is a set of management tools and techniques. It is a sophisticated methodology designed to instill a disciplined approach into the organization. The board has to be aware of the different strategic responses required to create value through changing market conditions, and the analytical tools and techniques available to assist in the process.

The board of directors should require the marketing function to contribute to the delivery of the company's objectives, and ensure that the marketing strategy adheres to the broader vision and values of the company at all times. The board should support the marketing planning process, emphasize its importance and ensure that it is effectively integrated with the other functions of the business.

The responsibility of ensuring the board’s commitment and support for the marketing strategy rests with the marketing director. Once the board has signed up to the company’s strategic marketing perspective, the directors will support the marketing planning process, ensure that the capabilities and competencies are available, keep the planners involved and motivated, co-ordinate their activities and monitor the results.

The marketing director’s role is to develop the strategy, obtain the funding from the board by justifying the budget and produce timely reports that explain to all the directors whether the expenditure is proving to be cost-effective.

So, what is marketing? There are different definitions of marketing, which characterize it from different points of view. Some people think that marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably. It is the definition of Chartered Institute of Marketing. American Marketing Association considers it to be the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. The ideas about marketing as the process of selling goods that don’t come back to people who do them, have acquired popularity. But the most popular are the ideas that marketing is 4-s - product, price, promotion and place. These are the basic elements which can satisfy customer needs. It is important to know that modem scientists think that there are 3 more elements that are essential to the successful marketing activity. They are people, processes and physical evidence. Those who are basing their relationships on the individual approach to customers, think that there is one more element in marketing mix - personalization.


Exercise 2. Read the text once again and express the contents of every passage in one sentence.


Цена: 200 р.

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