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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

контрольная работа: Cooperative Learning 1. The concept of cooperative learning is alien to all of teachers who work using traditional methods, but it offers our children the adventure of finding their own answers. акончите предложения, используя следующие словосочетания; Education consultant, to share ideas, cooperative learning, to work in pairs, participate in the work, changing world, to concentrate on. 1.... is alien for teachers using the traditional methods. 2.Pupils learn then in threes and finally in teams of four. V. Замените выделенные слова в предложениях следующими слова


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Цена: 250 р.




Для того чтобы правильно выполнить контрольную работу, необходимо усвоить следующий грамматический материал:

1.Видо – временные формы глагола (действительный и страдательный залог).

2.Неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, причастие, герундий.

Прочтите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие за ним.


Cooperative Learning

1.   The concept of cooperative learning is alien to all of teachers who work using
traditional methods, but it offers our children the adventure of finding their own

2.   If you took a doctor from the 19th century and put her in a modern operating

room, she would have no idea what to do, but if you put a teacher from the 19' century into a modern classroom she would be able to carry on teaching without pause. Teaching methods have hardly changed in one hundred years.

3.   Some educational consultants think that the idea remains, because students are
empty containers which the teacher fills with knowledge, and that all students have to
do is listen and write. But some of them think that this approach does not work in
today's changing world. We are not teaching creative problem-solving. Traditional
teachers encourage competition, believing that this brings out the best in people.

4.But this is not so. Encouraging children to concentrate on getting the best marks destroys motivation and takes the run out of learning. The teacher's role is no longer to feed students with information. The facts are available in libraries, on CD ROMS and on the internet. What students need are the skills to find this information, to use it and to think creatively in order to solve the problems of our world.

5.Some teachers suppose that cooperative learning is the future of education and trie best way to encourage responsibility, tolerance and helpfulness towards others. The strong ones coach the weak ones endlessly so that they can participate in the discussion too.

6.    In cooperative learning, the traditional classroom physical layout is abandoned. Children do not sit in straight rows of desks facing the teacher, but rather face one another to make it easier to share ideas. Pupils learn to work first in pairs, then in threes and final!> in teams of four. Students are required to participate actively in discussing and sharing their own knowledge. The teacher, who is still very important to the process, becomes the helper rather than the master.

7.   Cooperative learning turns the classroom from a competitive arena into a place
where learning facts and life skills is both more fun and more effective for pupils and
teachers alike.

abandon - отказываться от creative  - творческий approach - метод


to be alien - бытьчуждым

toencourage - вдохновлять, поощрять

layout - расположение

1.Would a teacher from the 19 century be able to carry on teaching in the modern classroom?

2.Where can students find information and what skill do they need?

3.What does cooperative learning encourage pupils?

4.How do pupils sit in cooperative learning classes?

5.  What is the role of the teacher in classes?

И. Письменно переведите 3, 4, 6-й абзацы текста.

Закончитепредложения, используяследующиесловосочетания; Education consultant, to share ideas, cooperative learning,  to work in pairs, participate in the work, changing world, to concentrate on.

1.... is alien for teachers using the traditional methods.

2.Pupils learn     then in threes and finally in teams of four.

3.The strong pupils help the weak ones to ... .

4.The students sit, facing one another to make it easier ....

5.The ... says that good relationships are the key to effective learning.

6.This method does not work in today's ....

7.Encouraging children ... getting the best marks destroys motivation.

/ V. Замените выделенные слова в предложениях следующими словами: skills, concentrateon, patience, approach, motivation

1.Teaching in an interesting way increases a student's stimulus to learn.

2.When reading a text you should pay full attention to the sentence structure.

3.Cooperative learning encourages patience and helpfulness.

4.This method does not work in today's world.

5.Reading and writing are two of the most important learnt abilities.

V.Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной видо-временной форме.

1.Teaching methods (to change) hardly in one hundred years learning.

2.The teachers (to encourage) competition, believing that this (to bring) out the best in people.

3.The students said that the teachers (to give) enough time to discuss problems.

4.Last year we (to use ) the same method of teaching.

5.The education consultant said that tlie children's response (to be) after using cooperative.

VI.      Преобразуйте предложения из действительного залога в
страдател ьны й.

!. In cooperative learning a teacher abandon the traditional classroom physical layout.

2.Teachers spend most of the time in classrom teaching them these skills.

3.While working you should use the normal method of teaching. 4. Alyce Miller has already used cooperative learning in her class.

5. The students are searching for this information..

VII.   Переведите предложения, содержащие глаголы в страдательном

1.Students are required to participate actively in discussing the problems.

2.Arithmetics must be learnt thoroughly because it is the introduction to advanced mathematics.

3.   Problems concerning the school are being discussed by the Parent- Teacher

4.A very complex subject is best taught using a simple approach.

5.The courses had been attended by the group of students for a long time.


VIII.   Подчеркните инфинитив, определите его форму и функцию.


1.The Parent-Teacher Association meets monthly to discuss different problems.

2.To encourage responsibility, tolerance and helpfulness is the purpose of cooperative learning.

3.Students were ready to share their own ideas.

4.These skills are necessary to find information and to use it.

5.Cooperative learning is considered to be one of the most effective in teaching.

IX.       Преобразуйте предложения, употребляя причастие в функции определения или обстоятельства.

X.  Выпишите и письменно переведите предложения с герундием.

1.1 got an extra point for remembering the name of Napoleon's horse,so my final mark was 20.

2.Many teachers want to abandon continual testing and concentrate more on teaching.

3.I could get a job, but I want to continue studying to become a university lecturer.

4.Sending children to boarding school was the most acceptable way of educating them.

5.This concept offers our children the chance of finding their own answers.

6.Her teaching method involves getting to know each student's needs.


Цена: 250 р.

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