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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

контрольная работа: 1. Измените данные ниже предложения по образцу. Предложения перепишите и переведите письменно. 1.Our legal system is considered legislative and executive. 2.The defendant is told his rights except bail. 2. Перепишите предложения, определите видовременную форму глагола-сказуемого и переведите. 1. But I assure you she is being carefully looked after now. 2. When you do not see what you are being given, a shopkeeper is sure to try and cheat you. 4. 1.Crime is one of the most disturbing elements of modem life in America. 2. Being a well-known figure in public life, the Ameri


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Цена: 250 р.

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Вариант В


1. Измените данные ниже предложения по образцу. Предложения перепишите и переведите письменно.

Образец: Crimes are not divided into felonies and misdemeanors.

Crimes were not divided into felonies and misdemeanors.

Crimes won’t be divided into felonies and misdemeanors.


1.                Our legal system is considered legislative and executive.

2.                The defendant is told his rights except bail.

3.                They are charged with the larceny.

4.                He is sentenced to a long term of imprisonment

2. Перепишите предложения, определите видовременную форму глагола-сказуемого и переведите.

Образец: All the most important testimony will be got tomorrow. - Bсe самыеважныепоказаниябудутполученызавтра. Will be got - The Future Tense Passive Voice.

1.      But I assure you she is being carefully looked after now.

2.      When you do not see what you are being given, a shopkeeper is sure to try and cheat you.

3.      The woman was blackmailed by a strange man.

4.      She has been interviewed already by the sergeant.

5.      In what courts are civil cases tried in the first instance?

6.      The message has been passed on to me or to the appropriate person on duty.

7.      The criminal will be detained on suspicion in complicity in fraud


3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты в соответствующем времени и переведите предложения.


4. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на специфику перевода причастия I. Укажите форму и функцию в каждом случае.

Образец: Having told everything he knew, the witness left the box.- Свидетель покинул место для дачи показаний, рассказав все, что знал. Having told - the Active Perfect Participle 1, функция-обстоятельство.

1.      Crime is one of the most disturbing elements of modem life in America.

2.      Being a well-known figure in public life, the American judge decided to become a candidate for Congress.

3.      Having been questioned, he was released on bail in the interests of the investigation.

4.      He was gunned down by police while resisting arrest.

5.      Having been cautioned beforehand, he did not commit a crime.

6.      The sorts of claims arising in the civil courts are typically about contracts, torts and land disputes.

7.      The efforts of the police, having been coordinated to produce good relations with the community, resulted in preventing crime.

5. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите, обращая внимание на специфику перевода причастия II.

Образец: The victim attacked by robbers was giving contrary evidence. - Жертва, подвергшаяся нападению грабителей, давала противоречивые доказательства. Attacked - ParticipleII, функция-определение.

1.      AnumberofmeasurestostrengthenthecriminaljusticesystemtakenbytheGovernmentwillbediscussedthere.

2.      The measures taken by the police prevent and detect crimes.

3.      Thenewlawadoptedtwodaysagocomesintoforcenextweek.

4.      This is the action based on principles.

5.      Descriptions of the wanted man have been issued by the police.

6.      Whenaccusedofthefraudconversion, hewassenttoimprisonment


6.      Прочитайте и перепишите тексту переведите его письменно.


Civil Proceedings


Civil proceedings are instituted by the aggrieved person. In the High court actions are usually begun by a writ of summons served on the defendant by the plaintiff, stating the nature of the claim. A defendant can contest the claim. He informs the court. Documents setting out the question in the pleadings are delivered to the court. Civil proceedings can be abandoned or ended by compromise. Actions brought to court are usually tried without a jury, except in defamation, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution cases. The jury decides questions of fact and damages awarded to the injured party. Majority verdicts may be accepted.

An action in a magistrates’ court is begun by a complaint on which the court may serve the defendant with a summons. The evidence is given at the court hearing. The court may order provision for custody, access and supervision of children, maintenance payments for spouses and children. Refusal to obey a judgment may result in imprisonment for contempt of court. The costs of an action are usually paid by the party which lost it, except some of cases.

In summary cases (involving small sums) hold in the sheriff court the procedure is less formal.

The statement of claim is incorporated in the summons. The parties involved need not appear in court. They appear when action is defended and a new small claims procedure is being introduced.


7.      Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту:

1.      Who can institute civil proceedings?

2.      When civil proceedings can be ended?

3.      What does the jury decide?

4.      Who pays the costs of an action?

5.      Where is the evidence given?

8.      Выпишите из текста английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений и выучите их:

Лицо, понесшее ущерб, начинать расследование, предписание, иск, оспаривать, свидетельские показания, компенсация за убытки, вызывать повесткой в суд, решение присяжных, подчиниться решению суда, появиться в суде, предписать постановление


9. Найдите в тексте предложения с причастием II, выпишите, переведите и укажите его функции:

Образец: A person convicted by a magistrates’ court may appeal to the Crown Court. - Человек, объявленный виновным в мировом суде, может подать апелляционную жалобу в Суд Короны. Convicted - Particple II, определение.

1.                Civil proceedings are instituted by the aggrieved person

2.                Documents setting out the question in the pleadings are delivered to the court.

3.                  The costs of an action are usually paid by the party which lost it, except some of cases.

Цена: 250 р.

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