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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

контрольная работа: 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на Passive Voice 1. In big ports ships are loaded and unloaded by powerful cranes. 2. The new equipment was being used to test vibration of the engine. Accident A woman _________(take) to hospital after her car collided with a lorry near Norstock yesterday. She _________(allow) home later after treatment. The road _______ (block) for an hour after the accident, and traffic _________ (divert). A police inspector said afterwards: “The woman was lucky. She could ________ (kill)”. 6. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно.


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Цена: 700 р.




Вариант 4


  1. Переведите  предложения, обращая внимание на PassiveVoice


  1. In big ports ships are loaded and unloaded by powerful cranes.

2. The new equipment was being used to test vibration of the engine.

3. In order to protect the surface from heat and cold it will be covered with special substance.

    4. The speaker was listened to attentively.

     5. We were given an exceptionally warm welcome by the local people.

6. Have you been brought the document?

7. Thanks to the new automated system the traffic in the city is improved.

8. In addition to sails the boat is equipped with a motor.


2. Подчерните сказуемое, определите залог ActiveorPassive, переведите предложение на русский язык.


1. They have reached an agreement.


2. The agreement has been reached.

1. They have reached an agreement.  Active

     Они пришли к соглашению.


2. The agreement has been reached. Passive

      Соглашение достигнуто.

3. Сравните следующие пары предложений, определите залог сказуемого в каждом из них, переведите только предложение в Passive.



The device measured the temperature.


The temperature was measured by the device.           

The device measured the temperature.


The temperature was measured by the device.   Passive. Температура была измерена прибором.

     4. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме страдательного залога. Переведитерепортажнарусскийязык.



     A woman _________(take) to hospital after her car collided with a lorry near Norstock yesterday. She _________(allow) home later after treatment. The road _______ (block) for an hour after the accident, and traffic _________ (divert). A police inspector said afterwards: “The woman was lucky. She could ________ (kill)”.

5. Подчеркните причастие (Participle I и Participle II), определите его функцию, т.е. является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложение на русский язык.


The sports facilities belonging to the University are very popular among all the students.


The sports facilities belonging to the University are very popular among all the students.

ParticipleI. обстоятельство

Спортивные сооружения, принадлежащие университету, пользуются у студентов.


6. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно.


Learning Styles


         Learning style is the way to absorb and assimilate information. People have different learning styles depending on how their brains work during learning. Four different learning styles are identified among learners - the visual, auditory, read/write and kinesthetic styles. Each of these styles has advantages and disadvantages, which you should know so that you can recognize the most suitable styles for specific subjects or situations.

         People who learn best through visual aids have a visual learning style. Visual aids include facial expressions and gesticulations of teachers, pictures, texts with illustrations, video, etc. Visual learners think and learn in pictures. This style of learning has an important advantage; recollection of the information is made easier. However, a disadvantage of the visual learning style is the difficulty when only texts and speeches are available for learning, without any visual aids.

         Some people prefer to learn by hearing. Theirs is the auditory learning style. Such people will prefer listening to discussions, talking over, reading out of texts or audio recordings. One special advantage of this style is that you assimilate and retain information without seeing it in texts or pictures. However, the difficulty of learning among silently reading learners -- in a library for example -- is one disadvantage.

         If you learn best by reading texts or writing down notes from what you read, see or hear, then you are a read/write learner. Read/write learners need writing materials to take down important points. The read/write style has the advantage of making them more self-dependent because with their note taking, they can learn much by themselves. However, they face the disadvantage of not being able to learn easily when the only medium of instruction is visual or audio, or when they do not have access to writing materials.

         Kinesthetic learners prefer to learn by moving and doing. They prefer interactive learning, learning through hands-on experience and taking in information as they move from one place to another. Kinesthetic learners are therefore not comfortable sitting in a place for long. The kinesthetic learning style has the advantage of exposing learners faster to practice: You learn as you practice and practice what you learn. However, where there are no places to move to for such live experience and nobody to interact with, you are at a disadvantage.


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7. Ответьтенавопросы   письменно:


1)                What is disadvantage of visual learning style?

2)                How do kinesthetic learners learn?

3)                What learner are you? Why do you think so?


 8. Из 2   абзаца выпишите предложение в PresentSimplePassive, подчеркните сказуемое.

9. Из 3 абзаца выпишите предложение в FutureSimpleActive, подчеркните сказуемое.

       3)  Какой ученик Вы? Почему Вы думаете так?

Human Resources Management


Human Resource issues have always been in the limelight when achieving businesses’ goal and objectives whether it is regarding changing company policy, employee related or delivering good services to customer. As we now move further in to the 21st century it is obvious that effective management of an organization’s human resource is a major source of competitive advantage and may even be the single most important determinant of an organization’s performance long term. HRM exactly differs from traditional personnel management. It will be treated as a diverse body of practices, loosely unified by a concern to integrate the management of personnel more closely with the core management activity of organizations. HRM ensures that the organization has available the skills it needs to complete effectively in all aspects of its operations. Most firms employ its personnel in central and divisional human resource of personnel department which are specialist in HR. "HRM is both a set of activities and an approach. It is the management of staffing such as recruitment, selection, placement, promotion and termination. It embraces planning, information systems, career guidance, job design, reward systems, training, diversity and safety. It is also concerned with the importance of people, particularly their attitudes and their performance, to an organization’s effectiveness and efficiency.


The utilization of people within an organization is a function of a broad range of dynamic factors. These include the leadership, culture, and objectives of the organization; the environment in which people are expected to perform; and the diversity and self-management of the people themselves.

In this age of competition around the world, most of the organizations are concentrating on most important factor that is human resource. Managing the human resource is a key source of sustainable competitive advantage for business. The prospective economic growth centre of the world in the 21st century is Asia specific region. Because the APEC (Asia specific economic cooperation) is made of a broad diversity of culture, economics, legislature, political system and labour market in differing stages of development. This international heterogeneity gives rise to a variety of approaches to and unique experiences of HRM in firms and agencies.

In the past few years human resource management has become significantly more important worldwide, both in management theory and as applied management practice. Numerous conferences, frequently on an international level, are been organized to bring together analysis and researches. Business schools have introduced HRM courses into their core curriculum, and new text books are regularly being published. Companies are now claiming that they are now spending more money on personnel development and in public speeches CEOs emphasize that the company's employee are the firm's most valuable asset.

Human resource management has gained rapid and wide spread acceptance as a new term for managing employment. It remains, however an ambiguous term.

In the world, the organization facing eight major challenges which are as follows,

·        globalization,

·        responsiveness to customers,

·        increasing revenue and decreasing costs,

·        building organizational capability,

·        change and transformation,

·        implementing technology,

·        attracting and developing human capital,

·        ensuring fundamental and long-lasting change

Meaning of HRM:

HRM has two main forms of existence. One is in the form of academic discourse and activity. This finds expression in conferences, journals, books, courses in business school and so on. The other is in the form of practice in organizations that employ people and thus have employment relationships. These two modes of existence at times intersect and trade of one another. At other times they exist relatively in dependently each fuelled by their own interests, priorities, prejudices and logics.

HRM is considered as effective management of employees at work. HRM examines what can or should be done to make working people more on for individuals interested in learning about people working within organizations. Its goal is to help develop more effective managers and staff specialists who work directly with the human resources of organizations.

HRM is specifically charged with programs concerned with people. The employees HRM is the function performed in organizations that facilitates the most effective use of employees to achieve long term organizational and individual goals. Whether an HRM function or department exists in a firm every manager must be concerned with people.

HRM involves all management kind of decisions and actions that affect the nature of the relationship between the organization and employees- its human resources. A General Manager makes important decisions daily that affect this relationship, but that is not immediately thought of as HRM decisions: - introducing new technology into the office place in a particular way or approving a new plant with a certain arrangement of production operation, each involves important HRM decisions.

Human Resource Management is a strategic approach of overseeing employment relations which emphasizes that levering people's capabilities is critical for achieving competitive advantage for the organization this being achieved through a distinguishing set of integrated employment policies, practices & programmes.

Strategic HRM:

This section examines the link between organization business strategy and HR strategy.' "HR strategies" are here taken to mean the patterns of decision regarding HR policies and practices that are used by management to design work and select, train, develop, appraise, motivate and control workers. Studying HR strategies in terms of typologies is the ability to academics because conceptual frameworks or models give HR researchers the ability to compare and contrast the different configurations or clusters of HR practices. STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION is an area of activity that focuses on the techniques used by managers to implement their strategies. STRATEGY EVALUATION is an activity that determines to what extent the actual change and performance match the desired change and performance.

The main aim of human resource management is to develop and improvement of understanding of how management functions can affect the performance of a business. Human resources are one of the most significant characters of many businesses - especially in an economy where there is a growing shift towards service-based industries. Human resources account for a large proportion of many businesses' costs and it is the people that invariably drive a business. Management of these resources therefore is an integral part of business success.

The responses to the more use of technology and to economic and competitive pressures have changed the nature of people management in a number of ways. These include flatter organization structures in which cross-functional operations and team working have become more important, more flexible working patterns, total quality and lean production initiatives, and decentralization and devolution of decision making.

The specific goals traditionally associated with human resource management are attracting applicants, retaining desirable employees and motivating employees

The quality of work from motivated people is light-years ahead of what you get from people not well motivated.

Human resource planning

This section of human resource management is part of the overall planning of the business. Planning how best human resource can be used will help the business meet its objectives. To increase the potential of human resource management within a business employees need to be used efficiently, to do this they need to be managed efficiently using the following ways:

  • Planning how to inspire and make happy labour
  • Planning how to expand an organisational culture
  • Planning how to maintain or build up employees
  • Analysing current employment needs
  • Forecasting the current likely future of employees
  • Forecasting the likely future supply of employees that will be available
  • Predicting labour income


Recruitment is needed within a business to exert a pull on the right type of potential employees. The human resource management team when promoting a job needs to make clear about:

  • What the job entails
  • What qualities are required?
  • What rewards are needed to retain and motivate workers?

Training and Development

Training is very important to a business because if the employees are not correctly trained then they will be inefficient and cause the business not to run easily and lose profit. If employees lack in training customers will recognise this and will feel that the business is not sufficient for their needs. Not only will customers recognise the employee's lack of training but the employees themselves too, they may feel that their business has no time to train them, which will discourage them within their work and they will not work to their best ability. The aims of training are:

Well skilled workers will be more productive. Training will overall improve the abilities of the employees, which will increase the effectiveness of the business by better quality work being produced therefore keeping the customers happy, which will increase sales.

Performance Management

Within a business if employees are unhappy then they will not work to the best of their ability therefore in order to gain effectiveness from the employees they have to be familiar for their work. There are many ways in which appraisal can improve a business:

  • Improve performance
  • Provide feedback
  • Make better motivation
  • Recognize training needs
  • Identify potential for promotion
  • Award salary increases
  • Set out job objectives
  • Provide information for human resource planning

Appraisal - this can be done through many different people, for example:

  • Superiors
  • Self appraisal
  • Peer appraisal
  • Subordinates

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Цена: 700 р.

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