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Готовые работыАнглийский язык

контрольная работа. Английский язык. Вариант 4. . Напишите глаголы в третьем лице единственном числе arrive, begin, build, calculate, come, confuse, cross, develop, establish,find, finish, generate, give, grow, invent, know, make,manage, mine, multiply, operate, play, process, produce, reorganize, run, see, specify, watch, win, work. 2. Заполни пропуски, вставив правильную форму глагола в скобках в Present Simple. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1) Usually I ... to the Institute by bus (go). 2) We ... not write letters very often (do). 3) It often ... in autumn in St. Petersburg (r


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* Готовая работа (дипломная, контрольная, курсовая, реферат, отчет по практике) – это выполненная ранее на заказ для другого студента и успешно защищенная работа. Как правило, в нее внесены все необходимые коррективы.
* В разделе "Готовые Работы" размещены только работы, сделанные нашими Авторами.
* Всем нашим Клиентам работы выдаются в электронном варианте.
* Работы, купленные в этом разделе, не дорабатываются и деньги за них не возвращаются.
* Работа продается целиком; отдельные задачи или главы из работы не вычленяются.

Цена: 250 р.

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Вариант 4


1. Напишите глаголы в третьем лице единственном числе


to do



arrive, begin, build, calculate, come, confuse, cross, develop, establish,find, finish, generate, give, grow, invent, know, make,manage, mine, multiply, operate, play, process, produce, reorganize, run, see, specify, watch, win, work.


2. Заполни пропуски, вставив правильную форму глагола в скобках  в PresentSimple.  Переведите предложения на русский язык.


1)                Usually I ... to the Institute by bus (go).

2)                We ... not write letters very often (do).

3)                It often ... in autumn in St. Petersburg (rain).

4)                My brother... a very good specialist (be).

5)                Larry ... to eat a lot (like).

6)                Carl ... a lot of friends in Russia (have).

7)                -... he smoke? - No? he ... not (do).

8)                My mother ... up very early every day (get).

9)                My parents ... newspapers regularly (read


3. Ответьте на вопросы, используя  PresentContinuousTense. Подчеркните глагол в PresentContinuousTense.


Where are you going to?

Who is Mike looking at?

I’m going to the Institute.

He is looking at Nina


1)                Where are you staying?

2)                What is your fellow-student doing on Tuesday afternoon?

3)                Who is having lectures, seminars and classes between         14.35 and 5.20 p.m. next week?

4)                When are the students planning to go back home?

5)                What rule is everybody learning?


4. Ответьте на вопросы, используя  PresentPerfectTense. Подчеркните глагол в PresentPerfectTense.


Have you been to the Mining Institute today?

Who has already done Exercise II?

Yes, I have. I’ve been there for 7 hours


Everybody has done it.


1)                Have you already had your dinner?

2)                How many classes, seminars and lectures have you had today?

3)                What interesting TV programs have you seen this week?

4)                To what museums, cinemas, theatres or concert halls have you been this month?

5)                Who has passed the exams with excellent marks in your group?

6)                Where have you just come back from?

7)                You have been late for the first lecture, haven’t you?


5. Напишите семь предложений о себе, использую глаголы в  PresentPerfect.



I have just got up. I have already cleaned my teeth. I haven’t had breakfast yet. I’ve made my bed.


6.  Прочтите текст. Переведите письменно первую часть текста на русский язык. Определитевидовременнуюформувыделенныхглаголов.


Water needs and problem


1 часть

The rise of civilization came with the ability to manage the floods and irrigation waters of the river basins of the Old World. Western industrial civilization, more than any preceding it, de­mands water. Industries engaged in processing raw materials require vast quantities of water for their functioning, and could not grow or be maintained without the ability to obtain these quantities from streams or underground water sources. Cities could not have reached their present size without drawing water from distant hills and mountains, the watersheds from which rainfall drains into the lakes and rivers. If our ability to manage water falls short, the entire framework of civilized life is thre­atened.


2 часть

Water that reaches a city should be clean and pure. Water that leaves a city is often dangerously contaminated. The provi­sion of adequate supplies can be difficult; the disposal of wastes is sometimes more difficult. These are generalizations which need qualification. In much of the heavily populated part of the world today the water that reaches a city is often contaminated and the water leaving it is even more contaminated. The more technolo­gically advanced cities have installed elaborate water-purifying plants for removing the various pollutants from water and for rendering it reasonably safe for human consumption. In less advanced areas the people take their chances and pay the costs in health. However, few people, except those living high on the watersheds, or in unpopulated areas, have the privilege of drinking "new" water, fresh from the air or from the ground and uncommented by previous use. For most city dwellers the water used has been used before - it has gone through somebody’s kidneys or somebody’s industries before reaching the urban water supply.


Переведите следующие словосочетания из второй части текста на русский язык


clean and pure,  the heavily populated part of the world, more technolo­gically advanced cities, water-purifying plants



7. Напишите краткое содержание текста (в 7-10 предложениях)

Цена: 250 р.

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